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Welcome to Body & Mind Osteopathic Clinic!

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Fill out this form or give us a call if you have any questions.
No Walk-ins – By Appointment Only.

    Are You a NEW or EXISTING Client?

    Select Osteopathic Treatment

    Session includes initial assessment of postural, active or passive movement of the patient, and palpation of body structures, as well as treatment plan development. ** Wear clothes that allow you to move. It is recommended to refrain from consuming heavy foods 2-3 hours before your appointment and from fluids 1 hour before your appointment. Fees: 30 min | $70

    Session includes initial assessment of postural, active or passive movement of the patient, and palpation of body structures, as well as gentle corrective treatment. Techniques includes Myofascial Release & Muscle Energy Techniques. ** Wear clothes that allow you to move. It is recommended to refrain from consuming heavy foods 2-3 hours before your appointment and from fluids 1 hour before your appointment. Fees: 90 min | $135

    Please note: Follow-up visits are available only after an initial assessment. Treatment includes general postural and preferential motion evaluations combined with gentle corrective treatment. Techniques includes Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release & Muscle Energy Techniques. ** Wear clothes that allow you to move. It is recommended to refrain from consuming heavy foods 2-3 hours before your appointment and from fluids 1 hour before your appointment. Fees: 90 min | $150

    Please note: Follow-up visits are available only after an initial assessment. Treatment includes general postural and preferential motion evaluations combined with gentle corrective treatment. Techniques includes Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release & Muscle Energy Techniques. ** Wear clothes that allow you to move. It is recommended to refrain from consuming heavy foods 2-3 hours before your appointment and from fluids 1 hour before your appointment. Fees: 75 min | $130

    Please note: Follow-up visits are available only after an initial assessment. Treatment includes general postural and preferential motion evaluations combined with gentle corrective treatment. Techniques includes Myofascial Release & Muscle Energy Techniques. ** Wear clothes that allow you to move. It is recommended to refrain from consuming heavy foods 2-3 hours before your appointment and from fluids 1 hour before your appointment. Fees: 1 hour | $110

    Please note: Follow-up visits are available only after an initial assessment. *Most Recommended: Treatment includes general postural and preferential motion evaluations combined with gentle corrective treatment. Techniques includes Myofascial Release & Muscle Energy Techniques. **Wear clothes that allow you to move. It is recommended to refrain from consuming heavy foods 2-3 hours before your appointment and from fluids 1 hour before your appointment. Fees: 45 min | $90

    Please note: Follow-up visits are available only after an initial assessment. Treatment includes general postural and preferential motion evaluations combined with gentle corrective treatment. Techniques includes Myofascial Release & Muscle Energy Techniques. **Wear clothes that allow you to move. It is recommended to refrain from consuming heavy foods 2-3 hours before your appointment and from fluids 1 hour before your appointment. Fees: 30 min | $70

    Treatment includes general postural and preferential motion evaluations combined with gentle corrective treatment. Techniques includes Myofascial Release & Muscle Energy Techniques. **Wear clothes that allow you to move. It is recommended to refrain from consuming heavy foods 2-3 hours before your appointment and from fluids 1 hour before your appointment. Fees: 1 hour | $200

    The session includes a comprehensive evaluation of your posture, assessment of active and passive movements, and detailed palpation of body structures. Personalized treatment plan is developed. ** Wear clothes that allow you to move. It is recommended to refrain from consuming heavy foods 2-3 hours before your appointment and from fluids 1 hour before your appointment. Fees: 30 min | $70

    Choose Clinic Location for Your Visit In-Person:

    When Would You Like to Have Your Treatment?

    We are open Monday through Saturday. For a list of hours, see below. We do our best to accommodate your date choice, however, we may get back to you with other options if your preferred date is not available.



    Body & Mind Osteopathic Clinic in Toronto:
    280 Sheppard Av. E, unit # 208
    Toronto, ON M2N 3B1

    Body & Mind Osteopathic Clinic in Vaughan:
    92 Arisaig Dr, Maple, ON L6A 1V7


    Monday - Friday 9am to 8pm
    Saturday - 9am to 2pm
    Sunday - Booking by request
    No Walk-ins - By Appointment Only.


    What to Expect During My Appointment?

    An osteopathic treatment involves a complete understanding of your health history as well as an assessment of your posture, alignment, and present state of health. We want to know all about you so we can understand how you got to where you are and be able to help you the most.

    The new patient consultation starts with a detailed health history, which is the first step in understanding the problem, its’ origin, and context in your life. Often incidents in your past or your current lifestyle, or trauma you may not have thought of, can actually be linked to the symptoms you are experiencing.

    The next step is to assess posture, patterns of mobility, and specifically the area of complaint. This often involves asking you to perform simple movements, either sitting or standing, so we can observe you in motion. To enable this, we need to see your body work, so it is advisable to wear loose, comfortable clothing.

    This is followed by a gentle examination of the bones, joints, ligaments, tissues, nerve, and fluid pathways with our hands using a highly developed sense of touch called osteopathic palpation. This combines with the prior health history and observation of posture and movement to create a diagnostic picture of how the body is working.

    Once we have created this understanding of your state of health, we can begin the very gentle osteopathic treatment process.

    The session ends with a discussion of the findings during the treatment, as well as a plan for addressing your issues, and some idea of the prognosis. Please ask as many questions as you like; we feel your understanding of the process is a critical component of your healing process and return to health.

    If you had a medical review of your issue, please bring along any documentation you may have. The report that accompanies the diagnostic imaging (X-Ray, CT, Ultrasound, or MRI) is the most useful information for us.

    • Be sure to drink plenty of water over the next 24 hours (approx. 2L or 8 x 8oz glasses.).
    • You want to flush out and rehydrate areas that were once restricted.
    • Be easy on yourself for 24 hours. This means no physical, strenuous activity.
    • Your body needs time to adjust to the new structural positioning.
    • You may experience new symptoms, that are possibly old symptoms arising as the next layers are revealed.
    • These new symptoms are not to be alarmed at, take notice of them, and realize that the treatment is having an effect.
    • You may also experience fatigue and/or flu-like symptoms ie. nausea, again these are symptoms associated with the body realigning
    • The affects of the osteopathic massage treatment can be felt immediately and up to a couple of days after the treatment.
    • Be aware of these changes for the next treatment.
    This includes COVID-19 screening questions and temperature checks at every appointment. Please review these procedures before arriving for your appointment.

    How to Prepare For Your Appointment?

    Fill out the online intake form prior to your visit. If you have any image reports (from x-rays, MRIs, ultra sounds), please bring copies to your appointment, or email them to me before your appointment.
    Wear comfortable clothing. You will be fully clothed during your treatment so wear clothing that is easy to move in. Workout or gym clothing is ideal.
    Arrive on time so that you can benefit from the full length of your scheduled appointment.

    Our Policy

    Please fill out online booking form or call (647) 995-7722 to schedule an appointment.

    Calls are answered 9am to 8:00pm Monday – Friday, and 9:00am to 2:00pm Saturday. At other times please leave a message and your call will be returned at the start of the next business day.

    We are not able to accommodate walk-in clients, but will do our best to schedule you as soon as possible, especially in an urgent case.

    Please arrive for your appointment 10 minutes early to ensure a complete treatment. This allows time to compose yourself, use the washroom if necessary, and decompress prior to your treatment.

    Late arrivals create significant problems in maintaining our schedules. As a courtesy to the clients following you, if you arrive late, your session may be shortened to the remainder of your scheduled appointment.

    Please call us at (647) 352-7373 two days prior to your appointment to let us know if you need to reschedule or cancel.
    If we do not receive prior notification, you will be charged for the missed appointment. 48 HOURS CANCELLATION FEE – $25 | 24 HOURS CANCELLATION FEE – $50

    Out of consideration and respect for our time, if a patient does not show up for a scheduled appointment and does not provide any type of advance notice, the client may be charged the FULL price of the scheduled appointment. View our policy details.

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